AbRad's current 'mood' is: we're all housed-up.

Sunday, 28 June 2015

AbstractRadio session - dirtydiscodubs I - june 2015

More Abstract summer madness...

Here's our latest offering; a heady accumulation of disco reworks, dubs and edits.

This is the second installment of our on-going summer series - each mix is better than the last, independent of the order you listen to them in!

As per usual, every track's a winner, but if you haven't had the chance, please take a moment to catch: eddie kendricks ' "he's a friend", previous tune-of-the-week: 78 edits' "let me down easy", blunted funk project's "get next to me", get down edits' "if you want me to stay", deep n disco's "feel the rhythm" and mercury's - "1994".

Our thanks again to Mr Kenzo for his amazing work in tracking down some of these splendid tunes.


Any feedback would be much appreciated.

select mixes
by genre:
Click for all deep mixes Click for all funky mixes Click for all House mixes Click for all lounge/downtempo mixes Click for all disco


Track Title
000:00weepers choiceleaving youvehicle
004:41disco techget somediscodat
008:12jay runothing in this worldget down edits
013:27manuel sahagunlove on dubdevelopment
017:06b-jamdown babysuperbreak
021:06ltjI'll never changehot groovy
027:5278 editslet me down easyvehicle
033:37beatconductororiginal jamspicy
040:35dj steefgroove onsuperbreak
047:16johnny adams feel the beatz
051:25disco techget liftededitorial
056:30young pulseall this love I havegamm
064:49get down editsthe same loveeditorial
070:26capitan futurobooty xpresschopshop
073:21eddie kendrickshe's a friendbbe
078:43blunted funk projectget next to mebulletproofsonics
086:22joe bataancall my nameedr
089:48wright bettyslucindanoton
091:50get down editsif you want me to stayget down edits
098:25beaten space probein your soulbsp
106:09deep n discofeel the rhythmrazor-n-tape
113:00ltj experienceholding onirma

-- Total running time – 125.36 --

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Saturday, 13 June 2015

We have a new player!

It's cool, it's slick and it's clever.

It may well not be working tomorrow!


AbstractRadio - for you listening pleasure....
Powered by sheer force of will.