AbRad's current 'mood' is: we're all housed-up.

Saturday, 31 December 2016

AbstractRadio session - dem's da breakz - december 2016

Good people,

This time 'round in what will inevitably - as night follows day - come to be known as our "legendary" series of sessions, our devilish ninjas here at the AbRad work-house have knocked up a slightly twisted selection of action-packed beats and pieces for all you head-nodders.

Chock full of blunted funk, dirty beats, phat jazzy breaks and good ol' drum & bass and featuring, among others, the corrupted talents of Dusty Springfield, Led Zepellin, Marvin Gaye and the Reverend Al Green, there's nothing too hard on the mixer here, but more than plenty enough to scare the neighbours with.

File under uneasy listening.


The AbRad team.

select mixes
by genre:
Click for all beats and breaks mixes Click for all jazzy mixes Click for all funky mixes Click for all eclectic mixes


Track Title
000:00soul mission jackie in action lacerba
004:08a skillz vs beatvandals feelin kinda insane insane bangers
006:05hardwire conkskank kingsize
009:35agent sumo keep the faith freskanova
013:04nice7 party people area remote
015:30skillz happiness finger lickin
016:47paul murphy soul call afro art
019:28kurt harris emperor of my baby's heart diamond
022:51s.m.o.v. marvin's state kudos
025:48glover & crockett latin soul strut chappell
027:38krafty cuts latin bounce fsuk
031:23telephunken feeling good actúa
033:00duke of harringaysarcacidspymania
036:59paysbass I got you zanzara
037:33dromehoax? what did you get ninja tune
040:15quantic snakes in grass tru thoughts
044:00naturacinema fastlane noton
048:24speedometer happy freestyle
050:47tape five soulsalicious chinchin
053:56amon tobin stoney street ninja tune
057:06dj food freedom ninja tune
060:57count skylarkin dub of a preacherman mftp
063:17amon tobin easy muffin ninja tune
065:24technimatic looking for diversion shogun audio
069:27dj food scratch yer head ninja tune
074:15fernando porto só tinha de ser com você trama
077:25hexstatic led zebamen boot
080:39superbreak whole lotta dub superbreak
086:20tor glass loci
089:14time machine million and one things to do miclife
092:00stereo action unlimited hi-fi trumpet¡ya basta!
093:03poldore but I do cold busted
096:40fdel how lucky am I inertia access
098:25gramatic muy tranquilo lowtemp
102:14bozo meko spread love bozo meko
102:45esbe tribute to music cult classic
105:57keith mansfield morning broadway jazzman
108:42atmosphere sunshine rhymesayers
111:20ed wizard straight up editorial
114:52gramatik the prophet lowtemp
116:52jackknife lee here kitty kitty pussyfoot
119:39jay-jbone downdownshift
122:11d-codedust deviladult swim
124:48disco tech waiting on you discodat
127:37gramatik break loose pretty lights
130:17hyper cascade kilowatt

-- Total running time – 134.50 --

download from

Sunday, 4 December 2016

AbRad Video: Litmus vs Freemasons - Uninvited

      "Bravely we venture into uncharted waters."

In a departure from the norm, we thought "Wouldn't a video be nice every now and then."
So, in what will be undoubtedly a very occasional series, here's our first sortie into the wonderful world of on-line video...

Freemasons - Uninvited
Litmus Extended Edit

Show some appreciation:→

Featuring the combined vocals talents of both Alanis Morissette [the original unlicenced version] and Bailey Tzuke (daughter of Judy) [the official 2007 rework] married up with some eye-popping visuals, we think we've got off to a half decent start.

Here's the vid:

AbstractRadio - for you listening pleasure....
Powered by sheer force of will.