AbRad's current 'mood' is: we're all housed-up.

Thursday, 15 March 2018

AbstractRadio session - joey negro 2018

Dave Lee aka Joey Negro aka … well … he’s enough aliases you begin to wonder whether he’s on an Interpol list.

Regarded by many as a national treasure, clearly deserving of a knighthood, plus a fine wearer of hats, Dave’s definitely worth making a song and dance about, so we did just that.

With the highest of hi-hats, lush strings, soaring vocals and disco sweeps aplenty, here’s some proper all-time gems from the vaults - at least six never leave “the bag”.

Sound quality’s not perfect as there’s a fair amount of battered old vinyl in the mix but hopefully you’ll forgive us.

Love and glittery disco-balls,


The AbRad team

select mixes
by genre:
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Track Title
000:00doug willis everybodyz records
000:52masters of the universe space talkstrictly underground
003:55phase II reachin'republic
009:21flashback of a genius gotta get upazuli
016:20extortion how do you see me nowboys own
021:00erro change for mez records
028:18fibre foundation weekendz records
036:30z factor ride the rhythmz records
041:39joey negro must be the musicz records
047:29z factor make a move on mez records
054:42sadam ant baby brotherz records
059:05z factor get in to the musicz records
064:47z factor sounds in the airz records
069:11akabu life is so strangez records
074:25sessomato moodyjunior
079:05loose change straight from the heartz records
085:40sunburst band I'll be there for youz records
091:16foreal people does it feel good to youz records
099:46joey negro can't get high without uz records
106:21diana ross love hangoverz records
111:31doug willis get your ownz records
117:19revival 3000 mighty high hi life

-- Total running time – 126:45 --

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