AbRad's current 'mood' is: we're all housed-up.

Monday, 28 May 2018

AbstractRadio session - tribal riddims 2018

And now...

More large-scale cultural misappropriation from the world's number one abstract radio station

Adhering to a vaguely afrocentric tip, the AbRad elves have delved deep into the world of tribal rhythms, serving up a pile of fresh stuff, plus a few oldies thrown in just for kicks.

So, close the curtains, turn the lights down, take your shoes off & turn up the sound.

As ever, we'd like to mention those who helped in the making of this rather splendid session, but at the moment we're having problems finding the door.

Love & djembes,


The Abrad Team

select mixes
by genre:
Click for all deep mixes Click for all House mixes Click for all funky mixes Click for all eclectic mixes


Track Title
000:00ajukajabenga benga 2porridge bullet
002:33distinct pointtzwiresa chantarawakan
008:04dee jay soundescravo para musica brasileirapoji
012:49kerry chandlerescravos de joibadan
019:13adam porte soundkeinemusik
024:18deeplomatiktribal dancesalted
027:06kaiserdiscoque ritmomomentum league
032:53salif keitamadanuniversal
037:40mat joejungle fevermother
041:46rhythm staircasethe felinenite grooves
046:24kevin yostreturn to the deepi
050:25ayman awadafricanosgreat stuff
054:20groove phenomenonafrica tribework
059:09red axessun my sweet sunpermanent vacation
063:47karnakcalypso breakdowntwisted
068:22ajukajabenga benga 1porridge bullet
070:31atjazztrack 6atjazz
077:49dubtribeequitorealimperial dub
084:49cuarterola sambasoulman
089:54milk and sugarheat african dayenormous
093:51brothers in progresscollisionmonza ibiza
096:24djuma soundsystemmenage a moiget physical
101:47afro warriorsuyankentezatribe
109:52aki bergenalma de diosnoir
114:30dele sosimitoo much informationinnervisions
126:50chus & lissatvuela palomatoolroom
135:22david herrerocabaretdeeperfect
140:00mary kanteyeke yekebarclay
146:04leftfieldafro lefthard hands
154:02lost desertlingalaall day I dream
159:11oscar pfiltered african bluesseres
167:50malcolm mcclarensong for changocharisma

-- Total running time – 171:07 --

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