AbRad's current 'mood' is: we're all housed-up.

Friday, 30 November 2018

AbstractRadio session - november 2018

Like the veritable bad penny, Abrad's back!

Here's the first half - the "warm-up" - of our back-to-back end of year sessions: a seductive smogasbord of funky soulful jazzy disco house, with something old, something new & the occasional thing "blue".
Nowt too deep, nowt too noodly, with stand-out tracks from Loop Jacker, Tinrush, Pad Berryl, Selace and David Penn.

Not to say that everything else isn't pretty damn fine as well.

As ever, hallelujahs all round to all the artists and labels who keep the underground house vibe alive.

"If you don't love it, you're gonna fail."

    -> Please repost on mixcloud - you know you want to.

Love and pangolins,

The AbRad team.

select mixes
by genre:
Click for all House mixes Click for all deep mixes Click for all funky mixes Click for all disco


Track Title
000.00loop jackersomethingemby
002.56bellaireparis city jazzaoc
008.02saisoni need yano fuss
012.39luke solomonlight you upclassic
018.09sartorialelectric lanetropical disco
020.50art of tonesgimme some sallymonoside
030.48jad and thestrings that never wintoy tonics
034.54mirko and meexa jammonoside
039.04ryan briggsthank godmonoside
043.40loop jackerhave passioncraniality
053.03david pennthat vibeurbana
056.38christian bso goodfriday fox
61.24kristof tigranthe disco minddisco balls
066.22dj mesamour est libreguesthouse
070.58pad berrylunder your spellsoul deluxe
077.22marco stroushit the rhodere-play
082.26selaceso hooked on your lovingdefected
087.33nina simoneblackbirdblanco

-- Total running time – 91.12 --

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