AbRad's current 'mood' is: we're all housed-up.

Tuesday, 31 December 2024

AbstractRadio - The Mogadon Tapes - The Samples

Here's a list of all samples used in The Mogadon Tapes.
The list is in the order of where the samples first appear in the mixes, but as some were used on multiple occasions, only the initial use is listed here.

smooth touch - 10 minutes of pleasure
bob marley - is this love
fluke - blue sky
logic - celebrate life
dj food - sky at night - these pools are doorways
raw silk - do it to the music
full intention - definite strangeness
michael caine - ipcress file - do you like music?
moby - lie down in darkness
lisa bonet - angel heart - bad asses
st etienne - only love can break your heart
kung fu the way of the tiger, the sign of the dragon - can you hear the water?
raw silk - do it to the music
addams & gee - chung kuo
doors - riders on the storm
jim morrison interview
ian mcshane - slave to the rhythm
oliver postgate - bagpuss settles down
stardust - music sounds better with you
sun ra - space is the place
greg gauthier - another door
rhythm doctor - mister
massive attack - unfinished sympathy
matthew mcconaughey - true detective - carts on a track
skalpel - sculpture
mixmaster morris - morning after mix - a minute might seem like an hour
mr fingers - can u feel it
malcolm mcclaren - I love it
mikey dread - culture
quartz - meltdown
vikki tennant - la story - let our mind go body will follow
leonard nimoy - my mind to your mind
cyclone - a place called bliss
moody boys - free
malcolm x - message to the grassroots - and during the few moments we have left
alec guiness - star wars episode iv - stretch out with your feelings
kyle maclachlan - twin peaks - one woman
patrick mcnamara - close encounters of the third kind - play the five tones
olive - you're not alone
john travlota - pulp fiction - breaks down like this
e-zee posse - everything starts with an e - I would like to call to the stage
christopher lee - lord of the rings - your love of the halfling's leaf
dooley wilson - casablanca - as time goes by
midland - final credits
moby - go - we are the future
paper moon - 51 days
rutger hauer - bladerunner - in the rain
malcolm mcclaren - tribal chant
keir dullea - 2001 : space odyssey - my god it's full of stars


AbstractRadio - for you listening pleasure....
Powered by sheer force of will.