AbRad's current 'mood' is: we're all housed-up.

Monday, 6 October 2014

Tune of the Week - No.2 - 5.10.14

With so much wonderful music knocking around here in the Abstract studio, we thought we'd take the opportunity to showcase a few very special items that are close to our hearts. Our choices for Tune of the Week may be fresh through the door, or decades old - our aim is that they will always epitomise the ethos of AbstractRadio...

Our second tune of the week? So, no pressure then...

"British Rail?"
"Can I please reserve a first class weekend return ticket for:"

Jessica Lauren Four featuring Jocelyn Brown
Happiness Train - Miss Marple Edit
Freestyle Records FSR096 - 2012

Show some appreciation:→

There are a couple of takes of this knocking about - we're choosing the shorter "Miss Marple" edit for no better reason than that we think it's a bit quicker in getting to the action. The long version is great as well.

Leaving aside the "extreme major player alert" just for a moment, let's have a look at this track's other credentials - for those not in the know, Ms Lauren is (amongst so very many other things) the ivory-tinkling genius behind the vast majority of Dave Lee's (aka Joey Negro) club stormers on Z Records. For that alone she gets a prominent place in AbstractRadio's Hall of Fame (still under construction - we're having problems with the wiring and the plumber's taken a leave of absence). And then there's Ms Brown, who needs absolutely no introduction whatsoever and simply owns the place.

This jazzy little number opens up in the humble origins of a railway yard, with basic percussion and some atmospheric trains sounds. Then Jessica lays down a cool, slowly building piano riff before Jocelyn joins in with some sultry, laid back vocals. So, no great surprises so far - everything is running on-time and as it should be, snacks are being served in the buffet carriage. Ah, but did we not mention the word "building"? For build it indeed does, dropping through the gears until the runaway locomotive that is Ms Brown's vocal performance explodes onto the track, sending everyone ducking for cover.

So, it's cool, it's jazzy, it's has one of the world's greatest soul-stirring voices and it goes mad at the end - what's not to like?

Happiness Train - no leaves on the line here - woo-hoo!
(OK, that's quite enough train references).

Here's a live take - audio only

Here's another live take with video - sadly rather poor audio quality

- Footnote -
Check out "I Believe" from the same ep - it's equally wonderful

Friday, 3 October 2014

AbstractRadio session - early october 2014

Time for another venture into the Abstract sound... 

We're dropping the tempo this time, kicking back with some real gems that have been getting heavy exposure on the station, including our second-ever Tune of the Week.

It goes without saying that everyone's a winner, but if you haven't caught them before, please check out "This World", "Fingertips", "Happiness Train", "Summer Brass", "In the Black of Night", "Colleen", "Up with People" and finally, "Gabriel". Go on, we insist.

Almost forgot - there's a minor "gangsters and molls" theme going on as well.

As always, any feedback is much appreciated. 

select mixes
by genre:
Click for all funky mixes Click for all jazzy mixes Click for all lounge/downtempo mixes Click for all beats and breaks mixes Click for all ambient/chill mixes Click for all eclectic mixes Click for all tunes of the week


Track Title
00.00Squeezebrain and the Machinelovegroove intro teutonic beats
01.00Airplayground love / highschool lover virgin
04.14Unforscene in the corner of her eye wob
08.10Jakatta the other worldrulin records
11.44Selah Sue this world - dorfmeister editbecause
15.27Emiliana Torrinifingertipsone little indian
19.45Hintre percussionshombré
24.54Jessica Lauren Fourhappiness trainfreestyle
29.13Waldeck our day will comedope noir
36.18Dire Straitsmoney editwhite
39.41Morcheebafragments of freedomwea
42.50Jakattafeeling bluerulin records
48.32DJ Camhe's goneinflamable
52.12Nightmares On Waxpassionwarp
59.34Sarah Wintonsummer brassbig chill recs
64.43Thievery Corporationheaven's gonna burn your eyesesl music
68.39Lambchopup with peoplethird gear
73.06Dominic Glynneasy streetfuture jazz
75.59Slow Trainin the black of nightmurena
80.06Savagesyou're my chocolatechameleon
85.29Chet Fakerno diggitydowntown
89.14Amon Tobinstoney streetninja tune
93.06Easy Listeningtrip hoppin’ - k&d dubworld2media
95.38The Heavycolleenninja tune
101.21Brazilian Girlshommeverve forecast
104.21Emiliana Torrinisunny roadone little indian
108.45Aimgood diseasegrand central
112.03Lambgabriel – hooper mixmercury

-- Total running time – 117.40 --
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