AbRad's current 'mood' is: we're all housed-up.

Thursday, 15 January 2015

AbstractRadio Session - early january 2015

Even further adventures into the Abstract world...

The second, more extensive, half of our most recent session recordings of odds and sods that have been knocking around the Abstract studio. Not too heavy on the mixer - just a bunch of lovely house trax, all for your listening pleasure.

As ever, all the tunes are gems, but please check out in particular: Session Victim - "Never Forget", Flight Facilities - "Crave You", Chris Lum - "Big Tool", Dj Romain - "One Step", La Fleur – "Kattflickan", Aldo Cadiz – "Thunder", Art of Tones - "It's You" and a previous tune of the week - Mark Brickman's "Rhythm is Love".

As a special note, we'd like to thank Frank Manno and Mark Brickman for their wonderful contributions - loving the work guys.


Any feedback would be much appreciated.

select mixes
by genre:
Click for all deep mixes Click for all funky mixes Click for all House mixes Click for all tunes of the week


Track Title
000.00Session Victim never forget delusions of grandeur
004.03Flight Facilities crave youfuture classic
010.13Kenny Summit loves me loves me not good for you
015.10The Shazam Experience venus to mars rambunktious
021.07Doorly the sleazy drummer toolroom
024.57Homero Espinosa give it to me mouton
030.47Terrence Parker when loves the feeling gfy black
037.23S Definfatuationmi casa
041.16Vhyceostilno brainer
044.53Chris Lum big tooltango
053.14Koe just a feeling of love tasty
057.33Doorlygroove mecajual
060.00DJ Romainone stepmetrotrax
067.09Joris Delacroix be who you wanttimid
073:24Cleavageneed someone spinnin deep
078.10Vidaloca & Piem I’m a manalmibar
083:06Mia Dorajezebelglasgow undergound
090:58The Checkupin your soullarge
097.45La Fleur kattflickan power plant
101.51Shades of Grey747beef
111.46Aldo Cadiz thunderoff spin
118.50DJ Face Off ain’t nobodyyaiza
124.13Art of Tones it’s younotonlabel
129.14DJ Zimmo disco biznesspink fish
132.56Felix Da Housecat frankie meets pauline cdr
137.58Twismhe’s a friend disco legend
144.16Soneecsunworshipperspurple music
150.48DJ Mark Brickman rhythm is loverambunktious

-- Total running time – 158.13 --

download from

Tuesday, 13 January 2015

Tune of the Week - No.4 - 12.01.15

With so much wonderful music knocking around here in the Abstract studio, we thought we'd take the opportunity to showcase a few very special items that are close to our hearts. Our choices for Tune of the Week may be fresh through the door, or decades old - our aim is that they will always epitomise the ethos of AbstractRadio...

"Prokofiev, Stevie Wonder, Miles Davis,
John Coltrane, The Rolling Stones
... all at the same time."

- Native Riddim -
Original and alternative mix
Toytonics TOYT028

Show some appreciation:→

The long holiday break has never been the best time to release new material, so we have to profusely thank Toytonics for brightening up what would be an otherwise dreary time of the year with this absolute gem of a track.

Their website bio has little to say about the Coeo boys except that they're based in the Munich area and already have a couple of well received EPs under their belts. This, their latest release, demonstrates that, if nothing else, they also have a fond appreciation of classic house.
Native Riddim has two major components - firstly, a delicious groove wrapped around a sweet piano riff that has been (very) heavily lifted from an old-school Abstract favourite - the perpetually wonderful
Reachin' by Phase II, who were the mighty Blaze recording under a different guise.

The second part of note is the spoken word interview snippet appearing in the break half-way through the track, where Patrice Rushen elaborates on her musical influences, name-checking the sort of eclectic roster we would be proud to present here on AbstractRadio.

The flip features a pretty fine alternative version, with a different piano groove also reminiscent of something from times gone by - sadly, after quite a significant amount of head-scratching, we haven't been able to identify what it is as of yet.

So, a 25-year old piano sample and some bird wittering on about her daddy's record collection - doesn't really sound like much? Well, we dropped this to a packed room on NYE, and the place went suitably ballistic.
And frankly, we weren't surprised.

A lovely start to the year - here's hoping there's many like this to follow.

Happy new year folks.

Here's the original

And here's the alternative version

And here's the original vocal sample

AbstractRadio - for you listening pleasure....
Powered by sheer force of will.