AbRad's current 'mood' is: we're all housed-up.

Sunday, 26 July 2015

AbstractRadio session - july 2015

So, some more summery shinola for your stereo-sets...

Once again, we're serving up a smorgasbord of some of the quality tunes that have been hanging around, getting in the way of serious matters here at AbRad studios in recent times; kicking off in a fairly light, mellowy mood before injecting a bit of speed and depth into the groove - all on a sort of dubbydiscodeeptribaloldskool tip!

As ever, please take a moment to check out:
All the art of tones' trax, especially the sublime "rainbow song" (a recent tune of the week on AbRad), the disco-drenched madness that is jack le funk's "I like it", and the quirky brilliance that is super flu's "chee pso ng".

There's also the armpit-farting funky genius that is jacklndn's "firing line", DNO's genuinely rather heavenly "sunday morning" and some nice Reefa sampling on anhanguera's "moodywoman".

The rest are pretty special as well.

"Matter in a super position.
Our lives...
Like carts on a track."

Honestly, what's not to like?
Unless, of course, you don't like bass-lines...


Any feedback would be much appreciated.

select mixes
by genre:
Click for all deep mixes Click for all funky mixes Click for all House mixes Click for all disco


Track Title
000:00pretty lights finally moving pretty lights
001:56ks french take me back fkr
006:30ed wizard sweet 2 me editorial
010:46andy hart MYLNY freerange
014:43art of tones I don't think that's music local talk
019:14purple disco machine no lips kitt ball
023:16micky more another man groovejet
028:56jack le funk I like it tasty
032:29the groovers here's to you mr robinson razor n tape
037:00jamie french that groovy thing roots for bloom
040:36dno sunday morning great nights
046:55jacklndn firing line nervous
051:40art of tones rainbow song local talk
058:11lts soul talking luvbug
064:17dank big fun panm
070:26deeplomatik tribal dance salted
076:41stephane ghenacia mamajunk kaoz
080:27art of tones so worried local talk
085:28dj pp just nina pp
091:52deeplomatik the promise land salted
098:31anhanguera moodywoman time machine
103:47siddhar nicciani devil in the sky something else
107:19the deep love your brother basenotic
110:05super flu chee pso ng hommage
118:59david penn back again urbana

-- Total running time – 125.25 --

download from

Wednesday, 1 July 2015

Tune of the Week - No.7 - 1.07.15

With so much wonderful music knocking around here in the Abstract studio, we thought we'd take the opportunity to showcase a few very special items that are close to our hearts. Our choices for Tune of the Week may be fresh through the door, or decades old - our aim is that they will always epitomise the ethos of AbstractRadio...

When deciding on a new t-o-w, there's much to consider. With a whole pile of cracking tunes to choose from, all with their own distinctive merits, choices often become complicated - we want to give everything we like some accolade, but there can only be one.

One method we employ here at AbRad Towers is to ask the question: "OK, so you obviously rate it now, but how do you think it will sound in six months time? Or six years even?".

Sometimes it is necessary to block out the immediacy of a piece of music to determine its true quality. Tracks can be instantly appealing, grabbing your attention and filling dancefloors, but there's a good chance that sometime down the line that catchy hook will become an annoyance; transformed almost overnight from fresh floor-filler to jaded cliche. For some, this happens the moment a track hits the mainstream - it's hard to be credible to the cool set if M&S are using it to sell life-style choices. For others, the sound becomes dated, or simply over played.

So, this question of judgement is not merely one of: "Is it in the box?", but more "How long does it stay in the box?".

And then, every once in a while, there's "How did we possibly manage to survive for so long without this being in the box?", which brings us rather nicely to ...

Art of Tones
- The Rainbow Song -
Local Talk Records LT060

Show some appreciation:→

Annoyingly gifted Paris-based Ludovic Llorca has been tearing them off for quite some time now, producing a fair number of AbRad faves, including the wonderful The End (under his own Llorca moniker), as well as numerous Art of Tones productions including Elephants (more on this another time) and his brilliant rework of La Fleur's Kattflickan. With "The Rainbow Song" he's back on Swedish based Local Talk Records, which makes this the second swedish AbRad t-o-w in a row. Utomordentlig!

Why do we rate "The Rainbow Song" so highly? Genuinely, what's not to like? Firstly, there's that filthy little bass-line - more than dirty enough to catch the ears of lovers of all things deep, but still keeping things all ship-shape and funky fashioned. There's also the clever use of a vox sample, lifted, we believe, from Musique's "In The Bush" (it's fairly hard to tell seeing as it's been mucked around with so much). Under this there's a summer-drenched keyboard groove pulsing along, effortlessly pushing those feel-good vibes to the max. And finally, there's those pesky cowbells.

Frankly, it's really hard to resist a good cowbell, and this is a pretty good cowbell.

Nice one Ludo, we're looking forward to having many years of fun with this.


Here's the original

AbstractRadio - for you listening pleasure....
Powered by sheer force of will.