AbRad's current 'mood' is: we're dropping some beats.

Wednesday, 29 June 2016

AbstractRadio session - june 2016

This month’s spicy AbstractRadio Session Recipe:

Take a bit of deep and a pinch of disco. Throw in a splash of funky together with just a hint of old school to bring out the full flavour. Add a dash of all-time classic for good measure.

Leave to marinate in a dark place for several months before serving.
No extra seasoning is necessary.

[serving suggestion – loud, with good, solid footwear]

As is customary for any AbRad session, every track’s a winner, but deserving of a special mention in dispatches are:
J. Sikora’s “Larry’s Garage”, Sahagun’s twisted latin workout “The 3rd Advice”, Kink’s ethereal “Pocket Piano” and X-Press 2’s autumnal masterpiece - “Give It”.


More soon

The Abrad team.

[any feedback, much appreciated]

select mixes
by genre:
Click for all House mixes Click for all deep mixes Click for all funky mixes Click for all disco


Track Title
00:00rhythm doctor intro truelove
00:39grand larceny body workin b2
03:32rich pinder hat play d-vine
07:26man without a clue morning funk mix clueless
11:01roter lewis get out of my life nite grooves
14:21juliet sikora larry’s garage kitt ball
19:15clio dangerous truesoul
25:40be as deep music makes me happy plastic people
32:22disk nation saxophonists cruise
35:09rene amesz like it deep tiger
41:34diskode burp moulton
44:46move d jus house uzuri
49:07lenny kiser this time moulton
53:37soledrifter soul groove large
57:35joi resh here we go kaleydo
64:38rafa barrios daledalehey intec
67:43alan de lanier dance mycrazything
71:49soul divine secret love stereo flava
74:54manuel sahagun the 3rd advice development
81:13kerri chandler mommy whats a record downtown
86:16kink pocket piano running back
91:39x-press 2give itskint

-- Total running time – 101.27 --

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