AbRad's current 'mood' is: we're in the mix.

Saturday, 9 November 2019

AbstractRadio session - november 2019

Hail noble Abstractionistas!

Here lies seven decades of musical shizz, mashed down into just under three hours of mellow fruitiness.

Suitable for all environments, including kitchens, bathrooms, dining rooms, long journeys and waiting in queues for basic essentials.

Consider it a marmelised melee of funk, soul, grooves, dub, breaks, jazz, hiphop, trick tunes & blunted beats. There's something for everyone here, unless of course you have an aversion for fine music.

Love and echidnas,

AbstractRadio: for your mind, body and soul.

select mixes
by genre:
Click for all funky mixes Click for all jazzy mixes Click for all lounge/downtempo mixes Click for all beats and breaks mixes Click for all ambient/chill mixes Click for all eclectic mixes


Track Title
00.00carrie rodriguezfrio en el almaluz
03.22pastor barrett & the youth for christ choirnobody knowslight in the attic
08.13st germainsure thingblue note
10.28earl st claircriminaldef jam
13.48greg streetgood daynoton
18.48clarence wheeler & enforcersright onatlantic
22.43catching fliesdaymarksindigo soul
25.42mr scruffmusic takes me upninja tune
31.04jstar / j*weed anthemblanco
37.34sarah wintonfool in loveblanco
42.38psychemagicwake up everybodyself
50.15roberta flackcompared to whatatlantic
56.19nina simonetaking care of businessphilips
58.07futuresain't no time fa nothingphiladelphia
62.12archie bell & drellsdon't let love get you downphiladelphia
66.34explosionship dropgold cup
68.33jimmy jonesdo what comes naturaldeke
71.03glen lloydrudies give upnoton
73.53marc mac & visioneersrunnin'bbe
77.53barry grayufo themesilva screen
79.45tim maiarational cultureseroma
89.49johnny thunderI'm alivecalla
91.55oscar brownmr kickscolumbia
94.13marcia griffithsdon't let me downtrojan
97.22rahsaan rolandmaking love after hoursatlantic
101.16ann alfordif it ain't one thinghy sign
104.39weldon irvinewe're getting downrca
110.52huey piano smithhigh blood pressureace
113.02cornelius brotherstoo lateunited artists
116.00gs heronwhitey on the moonflying dutchman
117.28sandy riverayou work hard for your enemydirty soul
121.18fat campdon't blame us for the boogiedisco sucks
128.33frank cunimondofeeling goodmondo
130.44brooklyn expressyou need a change of mindbc
134.10junglehappy manxl
136.31chaka khanlike sugardiary
143.31thievery corporationuntil the morningesl
146.18dj camst germaininflammable
149.35jstar / j*no diggityblanco
154.00arms and sleeperspan amself
158.44jill scottit's lovehidden beach
165.39zachary kibbeeend of daysself
168.49meuteyou and metumult

-- Total running time – 2.54.35 --

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