AbRad's current 'mood' is: we're in the mix.

Saturday, 29 February 2020

AbstractRadio session - february 2020

Hail, fellow pioneers of an abstract groove!

After no small hiatus, here's another maelstrom of sultry dancefloor silliness, featuring easily the finest tune of 2019, along with a couple of stunners from Sweetpower [more from them anon]. Everything's pretty much up-to-date & mainstream this time round [in our opinion], and we've thrown in the odd old-timer for the sake of balance.

If you're pleasantly tickled by the gospel of AbRad, please help us spread the word and REPOST!

Love and a paddle of platypuses,

The AbRad team

Giving the gift of music, whether you want it or not.

select mixes
by genre:
Click for all House mixes Click for all deep mixes Click for all funky mixes Click for all disco


Track Title
00:00sokurI'm going awaymoiss
10:30angelo ferrerimagicmotive
14:46dirty disco starslove of my lifecrms
18:55crush clubmy mantinted
23:37brothers in artsright on the dancefloorduffnote
27:30jay potterfeeling happyphoenix soul
33:58sharam jey4 your mindnervous
39:28the visionheavendefected
44:22peter browndeliriumftloh
48:31brattI love itzero eleven
50:35barry & gibbsmove onsakura
54:04mike newmaneasybagira ice
59:33sweetpowergroovin to the beatblockhead
64:02hot chocolateevery 1s a winnerblanco
66:45robbie doxmy mindcube
71:16sweetpowerhappy daysblockhead
75:40disco townone lovenervous
81:10kormaklove on the linedftd
88:13sphinxwhat hope have Ichampion

-- Total running time – 1:35:06 --

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