AbRad's current 'mood' is: we're in the mix.

Thursday, 31 December 2020

New Year's Eve on Twitch and Zoom!

Citizens of Earth...

You are cordially invited to our rather splendid New Year's Eve Jamboree!

A one-off night of music, magic and general malarkey.

Festivities will be simultaneously brought to you by means of the magical lantern mastery of Mister Twitch & Madame Zoom!

This year’s event will be an extra special musical request show ....
An impromptu extravaganza of your personal favourites :: u name it & we’ll play it!
So, please send all your party requests ...
    In advance to either our Or, on the night itself / during the Live event :
      via the live Twitch stream’s “chat” feature only

    Doors open and performance starts at 10:30pm GMT Location: www.twitch.tv/abradio

    Dress to impress

    There will be dancing

    Entry is free

    And you’ve got nowhere else to go and nothing else to do, so please come and join us in kicking out the old and seeing in the new

    Bring your own airhorns.
    Looking forward to seeing you there.

    NB: During rehearsals, we've noticed some of the camera feeds occasionally drifting in and out of sync - sorry about this - we're working on fixing the issue [and improving the image quality] in future shows.
    The music should sound OK though, which is what we're here for really, no?

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