AbRad's current 'mood' is: we feel like dancing.

Wednesday, 21 October 2015

Tune of the Week - No.8 - 20.10.15

With so much wonderful music knocking around here in the Abstract studio, we thought we'd take the opportunity to showcase a few very special items that are close to our hearts. Our choices for Tune of the Week may be fresh through the door, or decades old - our aim is that they will always epitomise the ethos of AbstractRadio...

Time to dip your toes once again into the deep, dark pool of modern house music.

Sweed feat. Jalana
- Finally - Lexer Remix -
Deepalma Records DPLM039

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As found nestling right at the heart of our latest session [what do you mean you haven't listened to it yet?], Sweed's "Finally" comes with a variety of [re]mixes - we're heading straight for Lexer's rather fine contribution.

This track is in no small way influenced [ioho] by the recent classic "mashup": Art of Tones feat FCL - "It's You c/w Elephants" - this is not a bad thing at all, as "It's You" is another massive fave here at AbRad.

Mr Lexer has shifted away a fair bit from his standard electronc fare and delivers a great interpretation of Sweed's song. Smooth synth sounds underrpin Jalana's sweet vox., eliciting a suitably emotional ride running through the heart of the track.

Taking the original into account, this is a damn fine remix.

Here's the vid:

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