AbRad's current 'mood' is: suitably chilled.

Thursday, 2 August 2018

AbstractRadio session - august 2018

Welcome back and all that.

Here's the second stint of this year's AbRad back-to-back summer sessions, where we find those deligent AbRad elves slipping deeper into club mode, providing all you fine citizens with a heavier, more rinsed out affair, suitable for all your dancing needs.
Culled from a crate of recent ass-shakers, this session leads on directly from the previous [sesh. 26], and features stonkers from the likes of the Cube Guys, Mambo Bros and Funkatron, along with an instant classic from Beth Ditto and a generous helping of old-school club reworks.

You lucky beggars.

    -> Please repost on mixcloud - you know you want to.

Love and zero ambition,


The AbRad team

select mixes
by genre:
Click for all House mixes Click for all deep mixes Click for all funky mixes Click for all disco


Track Title
000:35david penndisk-jockeyurbana
003:22george acostake riconervous
008:32john tejadasweat on the wallsdefected
013:02kerri chandlerthe introcircus
017:27eddie thoneickadamusondos
022:32crazibizafeel the vibepornostar
026:29polymodno other17 steps
031:36the cube guyshypnotizecube
036:15mark funkraise the bar guesthouse
038:47samostop messingcruise
044:12moon rocketface your lovedoomusic
045:06mutinyholding onunderwater
050:30david harnesswe got itmoulton
052:04ben delaymove your bodymilk & sugar
057:28nic fanciullimoving onseamless
059:01cool 45moving onrazor-n-tape
061:13dj meslonely nightssalted
067:01milty evansthe formulaseventy four
071:40true spirit90sppmusic
077:35mambo brotherskasaisaved
085:04marc romboygalaxy in an atomkompakt
095:16daddy’s groovestreet lifecartel
099:55mathias kadennokickpets
108:42beth dittofirevirgin

-- Total running time – 114.05 --

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