AbRad's current 'mood' is: keeping it fresh.

Sunday, 16 December 2018

AbstractRadio Video Competition

Our Video Competition
--- aka ---
"We think you can do better"

--- Budding film-makers & animators ---
!!! ALERT !!!
Get you work seen by a larger audience...

We're intending to use the same technique as outlined here to post the best of our AbRAd's sessions onto youtube [with video].
As each of these sessions is at least an hour and a half long, we're consequently looking for some more "ticking-watch" footage to use in them.

So here's the plan:
    We provide you with the original sequence of photos of the watch face, plus a piece of music to sync and beat-match the images to, and you create video[s] from them, upload the result and send us the link.

    All winning entries in the competition will be used in our subsequent youtube videos sessions, and you will be fully credited for your contributions.

The music we have chosen is the rather wonderful : Dele Sosimi Afrobeat Orchestra - "Too much Information"

It runs at a steady bpm, and has a fair amount of variation to it.

Here's a copy on youtube for you to listen to:

Competition Rules:

The piece of music we have provided runs at exactly 120.00 bpm and is 8 minutes and 32 seconds long.
Please make sure your videos match this music and its tempo.

All video entries must be submitted with the following specifications:

    Dimensions: 1920 x 1080 HD
    Frame rate: 29.97fps
      XVID - 15,000kps or higher bitrate
      Quantize - 1.04 or lower

    Running times of videos must be AT LEAST 8.32 - the length of the original piece of music.

    Videos must be uploaded directly to Google Drive or to Dropbox or to Youtube itself.

    You must then send us an email containing a link to your uploaded video[s].

    The email must be titled "AbstractRadio Youtube Competition".

    Email the links for your entries to : abstractradiomail@gmail.com

Please do not attempt to send videos directly to us - they will not be viewed - only send us the links.

There is currently no closing date for the competition.

You do not have to use the software or methods described above, but they may help!

Good luck and have fun, and please feel free to contact us via the email provided above if you have any questions regarding the competition details.

Thursday, 13 December 2018

"The Hands on a Watch"

The premise seemed simple enough:

We had about 25 minutes of music we wished to post on youtube, and required the same amount of video to accompany it.

The music already contained material owned by others so, to hopefully limit the amount of potential licencing shenanigans youtube might inflict upon us, we needed 25 minutes of entirely copyright-free video.

We could have used a single static "title" image, or perhaps a slide-show of images, cross-fading from one to another, as is often to be seen in youtube music videos, but we were looking for something a bit more eye-catching - ideally images that actually kept in time with the music, and maybe reflected its content as well.

With this idea of "keeping in time" came the notion of using a clock face in some way.
Most modern music adheres to a 4/4 structure, with the music changing over time in blocks of 4 bars of 4 beats, and multiples thereof.
A count of "sixteen" would easily cover our metronomic needs - it can be sped up to 8 or 4 beats, or slowed to 32 or 64 as required.

And so the concept was to create several video sequences of a clock counting in multiples or divisions of 8 beats, stitch them all together to a total of 25-odd minutes, add a bit of variation and imagination to make the resulting video a bit more engaging, all the while ensuring that the clock ran perfectly in time with the music.

Here are some sketchy notes on the project...

What we did:

Using a tripod-mounted Canon DSLR with a remote control [to avoid camera shake], we snapped a series of seventeen images of an antique Hunter fob watch.
The watch has a sweeping second hand - as we wanted to keep the beat with the minute hand, we had to be on the ball taking shots at just the right second in each passing minute.
If we missed our mark, the watch was reset and we started again.
We were far from perfect with this task - if you watch the video closely, you can clearly see the second hand bobbing about [we decided to leave this in the cut].
We couldn't touch the watch between each shot as that would disturb the alignment of the series of photos, so we just had to let it run.

--- Photoshop ---

The resulting sequence of seventeen images [twelve o'clock to sixteen minutes past twelve] were resized to our desired video output dimensions - HD @ 1920 x 1080px.

We didn't clean up the images to any great degree - the "artifacts" within each frame would add some subtle variation to the final time-lapsed sequences.

Then various versions of this sequence were also created within photoshop, using filters too complex to go into great detail here.
Suffice to say, we blurred them, we sharpened them, we zoomed, we gave them a glow, we gave them texture, we changed their colour, we highlighted them, we ran them backwards - essentially, we mucked about, looking for usable variations on the theme, and created new sequences of those modified images as well.

Next up ...

--- Virtualdub ---

Ok, here's where things started to get a bit more complicated.

Our 25-minute piece of music was produced a long time ago, with a number of separate sections, each originating from different [vinyl] source recordings, which were not all perfectly matched in tempos.
So while the entire piece of music runs at approximately 95.13bpm, parts of it run at over 95.2bpm, while others crawl along at less than 95.1bpm.
This may not sound much by way of variation, but over a 25 minute stretch it is a noticeable difference - any clock running accurately at a fixed tempo over that period would soon be out of sync with the music.

We needed 8 / 16 / 32 beat videos of the watch sequence, running at 95.13bpm but, to keep the clock in sync with the music, we also had to create similar video sequences for the subtle variations in the music's bpm, each one with a different frame rate to reflect the different bpm.
This was a pain.

We could have run the music through Ableton or similar software and cleaned up the numerous tempo issues, but that would have been far too simple a solution...

--- Codecs, frame rates, compression and bit rates ---

[Beware, maths ahead!]

Instead, to match a bpm of 95.13, under "Video Frame Rate Control" [under "Video", then "Frame Rate"], the source rate adjustment for this tempo has to be 95.13 / 60 = 1.585, while the "Frame Rate Conversion" needs to be 29.97.

For reference...

At 95.13bpm, 1 beat = 0.6307secs, thus 16 beats = 10.0914secs.
So our component source 95.13bpm videos will be of lengths of multiples of approximately 10.09 secs.

And at 29.97fps, this works out as 302 frames for our 16 beats.

Then we had to knock up further sets of video sequences for the 95.2bpm sections, and the 95.1bpm section, so they had different running speeds, but the same number of frames.
As previously stated, a pain.

No doubt many of you are now thinking - why choose this meshuggenah method?
Why not correct these tempo variations in your video editing suite?
Short answer - we don't have access to the sort of video editing software which would allow us to perfectly sync the video to the frequently shifting audio tempo, whilst applying complex filters etc.
We know such things are out there, we just don't have access to them.
And so it goes.

Ideally, we would have liked to have used RAW image files all the way through the entire project, so there would be no degradation to the quality of the video during the various stages of its creation.
However, due to the vast amounts of space this would require, this was not in any way realistic, so the project was processed using the XVID codec with a moderately high bitrate.

Ideally again all video should be created with multiple passes with a high VBR [variable bitrate], but such are time constraints of this modern world that, unless it was deemed absolutely necessary, videos were generated with single passes.

Virtualdub, like Photoshop, was also used to apply filters to the movies to provide new sequences - of particular interest to us were the "invert", "motion blur" and "colorize" filters.

Finally, Virtualdub was also used to apply the logo and title overlay to the final cut.
The overlay image was created from the final frame of the Blufftitler-generated title sequence.
This was added to the completed video using the standard logo filter available in virtualdub, and the brightness and contrast of the movie was then adjusted to compensate for the effect the presence of the semi-transparent logo overlay had on the appearance of the movie. [The overlay is semi-transparent so that it interferes as little as possible with the actual underlying content.]

Once the overlay was applied, the video was "branded".
As well as helping to identify the video's content and origin, this also prohibits the visual content being appropriated by third-parties.
Why they would feel the need to do so is anyone's guess.

--- Soundforge ---

To cope with the vast amounts of video material, and the bpm variations in the audio, the entire project was broken down into about 10 or so subsections, running between 1 and 3 minutes each.
We used Soundforge to split up the audio into these subsections, and the corresponding videos were made to match each of these constituent audio parts.
We used this to precisely measure out, to the nearest millisecond, the individual sections of the audio, which provided a time-line and bpms for the matching video sections.

--- Fractal Generator - Chaos Pro ---

Let's just say this is complicated and time-consuming and leave it at that.

See "elsewhere".

--- Blufftitler ---

Used for the credits and for the final fractal sequence where we needed to run two videos, one on top of the other, with transparency.

First, ensure the output settings match those of the project: dimensions = HD 1920 x 1080, frame rate = 29.97fps.

Next, line up and resize the two videos for overlay according to the original image/video.
Adjust the lighting layers to reflect these changes.

Exporting Video: we experienced fewer issues with Blufftitler when exporting numbered .jpg frames rather than compressed video, so we used this method and relied on virtualdub to create videos from these exported images.

Video Duration: Blufftitler is lacking in precision with regards to this, and is limited to creating videos in lengths rounded up to whole seconds, so when creating your video/image sequence [export as numbered frames], go a second too long on the video duration, and then delete the excess images at the end of the sequence once the task is complete so that the total number of .jpg images created is equal to a multiple of 302.
Create a video from this image sequence using VirtualDub [codecs etc as before].

NB: Blufftitler can be temperamental...
Sometimes one of the component videos was processed while the other stuttered or halted completely - in this case, while the clock continued to tick away, the fractals stopped moving for seconds at a time.
The issue[s] were with memory and processing power, invariably because there's too much fine detail in the original fractal video component, and the software/machine couldn't handle it.
The first step in the solution was to turn off all unnecessary software - antivirus, wifi, browsers etc. and try again.

But if Blufftitler continues to fail [which it did] ...


Essentially, you're attempting to clean the source video [which is causing the problems] without significantly reducing the quality of the content.
    Export a .jpg image sequence of original video via virtualdub - this should remove any "glitches" from the original video.
    Create .avi video in virtualdub from this, with correct timing/frame rate/codec etc.
    Import this into moviemaker and then export as .mp4 video @ HD/29.97fps - this adds essential keyframes for Blufftitler to latch on to, and shifts the video to the H264/MPEG-4 codec.
    Import this .mp4 into avidemux and create a direct .avi copy.
    Use this .avi in blufftitler instead - may still not work, in which case you are possibly stuffed.

You can also try modifying bitrates and quantize levels in the codec, and adding motion blur when creating the frame-rate corrected source video in virtualdub.
Sometimes these methods work, but not always.

Q: Why not do this for all the video components?
Because there will invariably be some loss of quality with all this muxing and demuxing.

--- Moviemaker ---

The bulk of the project was implemented here.

Why did we use this software?
    We had some previous experience with this bag of tricks.
    It has [had - see below] some nice features - in particular its edge-detection filter.
    It's all we had.

Sadly, the more modern versions of this Microsoft freebie are not as versatile as earlier incarnations.
However, to run an old version requires an old operating system [windows 7 or less], which was a problem and we couldn't source a machine capable both of running the old OS and still being able to process of vast amounts of HD video. The process would simply take too long, or the machine would fall over in a heap.
So we made do with a newer, less versatile version running on newer, faster machines, which is undeniably a shame, as everything about the later versions [2012 onwards] is mediocre when compared to predecessors.
And so it goes.

Within moviemaker, video was laid out along the time-line using the bpm-matched source videos previously constructed in either virtualdub or blufftitler.
These sections were cut up into individual frames or groups of frames and then modified in numerous ways from adding filters and fades to changing their running speeds.
And from this the video was edited to correspond to the matching audio.

It's worthwhile noting at this point that it can a bit of a challenge to produce nearly 20 minutes [close to half a million frames] of dynamic HD video from just 17 almost identical photographs.

--- Avidemux ---

Video and audio were stuck together using this.
Sections were viewed, and if deemed unacceptable, we went back to moviemaker and tried again.

As well as being useful for quickly stitching together the individual components of the video, Avidemux also quickly provides accurate video lengths, to the millisecond.
Plus it is very useful for "rinsing" - see above.

--- Project Facts & Stats ---

Our 25+ minutes of HD video and audio weighed in a just under a hefty 4 gig - it took a while to upload to youtube!
Total project time - unknown.
The original fractals took weeks to generate.
At least 200+ hours then spent on constructing the video itself.
See here for details of the motivation behind this.

Here's the final result:

Which all brings us very neatly to...

Our Video Competition
--- aka ---
"We think you can do better"

--- Budding film-makers & animators ---
!!! ALERT !!!
Get you work seen by a larger audience...

We're intending to use the same technique as outlined above to post the best of our AbRAd's sessions onto youtube [with video].
As each of these sessions is at least an hour and a half long, we're consequently looking for some more "ticking-watch" footage to use in them.

So here's the plan:
    We provide you with the original sequence of photos of the watch face, plus a piece of music to sync and beat-match the images to, and you create video[s] from them, upload the result and send us the link.

    All winning entries in the competition will be used in our subsequent youtube videos sessions, and you will be fully credited for your contributions.

The music we have chosen is the rather wonderful : Dele Sosimi Afrobeat Orchestra - "Too much Information"

It runs at a steady bpm, and has a fair amount of variation to it.

Here's a copy on youtube for you to listen to:

Competition Rules:

The piece of music we have provided runs at exactly 120.00 bpm and is 8 minutes and 32 seconds long.
Please make sure your videos match this music and its tempo.

All video entries must be submitted with the following specifications:

    Dimensions: 1920 x 1080 HD
    Frame rate: 29.97fps
      XVID - 15,000kps or higher bitrate
      Quantize - 1.04 or lower

    Running times of videos must be AT LEAST 8.32 - the length of the original piece of music.

    Videos must be uploaded directly to Google Drive or to Dropbox or to Youtube itself.

    You must then send us an email containing a link to your uploaded video[s].

    The email must be titled "AbstractRadio Youtube Competition".

    Email the links for your entries to : abstractradiomail@gmail.com

Please do not attempt to send videos directly to us - they will not be viewed - only send us the links.

There is currently no closing date for the competition.

You do not have to use the software or methods described above, but they may help!

Good luck and have fun, and please feel free to contact us via the email provided above if you have any questions regarding the competition details.

--- PS ---

In case you're wondering about the origin of the Star Trek samples, they are from the original version, released back in 1990 on Zoom Records.

Purchased back in the day from one of the guys who made the track [unsure if it was Nice or Nasty] - they ran Zoom from a little basement on Camden High Street.
Happy days.

Sunday, 2 December 2018

AbstractRadio session - december 2018

"Do you like music?"

Just when you imagined things couldn't get more messy, the AbRad elves have emerged from their yurt with the second half - the "main event" - of our back-to-back end of year sessions.

With a passing nod to the god-like Mr A. Humphries, here's a joyous excursion into the realms of quality house music, featuring the odd old favourite jockeying for position alongside a bunch of fresher dancefloor cuts.

To quote the great Errol Brown, everyone's a winner, and there's too many to mention anywho.

    -> Please repost on mixcloud - you know you want to.

Love and oncillas,

The AbRad team

select mixes
by genre:
Click for all House mixes Click for all deep mixes Click for all funky mixes Click for all disco


Track Title
000.00loop jackerheavens riffparaiso
000.19robin & lumoonla banane du siecleclair de lune
003.48groove salvationibiza coloursgroove society
009.48jarred galloeyes on the prizenurvous
011.23guille placenciapantufla1605
017.33highnesssee about mewired
020.18eddie amadorhouse musicyoshitoshi
024.23pray for moresomedaykaf
030.01bertie bassetthe only onemagnetic
035.15fdfdisco trumpethotbit
039.56david pennnobodydefected
045.35riva starrin the midnightcajual
050.57dennis ferrerson of rawibadan
057.10peter browndevotionglasgow undergound
062.51little by littlehouse musicwired
066.18kinkperthrunning back
070.20adam portsallyplay it down
076.14mighty mousethe spiritglitterbox
082.38 gabriel and castellones vedradeepalma
089.02lucianorise of angelcadenza
092.21midlandfinal creditsclassic
101.17mark em.onoblanco
106.20chris fryexhalecrooks & villains
109.19phenomenal handclap bandjudge nottoy tonics
116.15the soup dragonsI'm freemidnight riot
123.30cassaraworking it outmood funk
128.18syncrosonicget highmena
131.03lonely chold upsoul clap

-- Total running time – 2.19.22 --

download from

Friday, 30 November 2018

AbstractRadio session - november 2018

Like the veritable bad penny, Abrad's back!

Here's the first half - the "warm-up" - of our back-to-back end of year sessions: a seductive smogasbord of funky soulful jazzy disco house, with something old, something new & the occasional thing "blue".
Nowt too deep, nowt too noodly, with stand-out tracks from Loop Jacker, Tinrush, Pad Berryl, Selace and David Penn.

Not to say that everything else isn't pretty damn fine as well.

As ever, hallelujahs all round to all the artists and labels who keep the underground house vibe alive.

"If you don't love it, you're gonna fail."

    -> Please repost on mixcloud - you know you want to.

Love and pangolins,

The AbRad team.

select mixes
by genre:
Click for all House mixes Click for all deep mixes Click for all funky mixes Click for all disco


Track Title
000.00loop jackersomethingemby
002.56bellaireparis city jazzaoc
008.02saisoni need yano fuss
012.39luke solomonlight you upclassic
018.09sartorialelectric lanetropical disco
020.50art of tonesgimme some sallymonoside
030.48jad and thestrings that never wintoy tonics
034.54mirko and meexa jammonoside
039.04ryan briggsthank godmonoside
043.40loop jackerhave passioncraniality
053.03david pennthat vibeurbana
056.38christian bso goodfriday fox
61.24kristof tigranthe disco minddisco balls
066.22dj mesamour est libreguesthouse
070.58pad berrylunder your spellsoul deluxe
077.22marco stroushit the rhodere-play
082.26selaceso hooked on your lovingdefected
087.33nina simoneblackbirdblanco

-- Total running time – 91.12 --

download from

Thursday, 4 October 2018

AbstractRadio session - sure beatz workin' - october 2018

Dudes and dudettes - once again, it's time to annoy the neighbours!

Following on from the arcane silliness of our "Dem's da Breaks" sesh back in 2016, here's another bumpy ride into the deeply dysfunctional domain of funky breaks and blunted head-nodding:- a tightly packed selection of trick tunes and suchlike, with guest appearances from otis redding, james brown, the beatles, candi staton, sly stone, lionel richie, kate bush and gwen mcrae - sounds like a cracking dinner party guest list, if nowt else.

Love and manatees,

AbstractRadio - not without a little bit of drama here and there.

    -> Please share and repost if you likee!

select mixes
by genre:
Click for all beats and breaks mixes Click for all jazzy mixes Click for all funky mixes Click for all eclectic mixes


Track Title
000:00kate bush man with child in eyes illicit
001:23crush sounds dhol av8
003:46detroit swindle you me here now dirt crew
006:43get down edits sneaking in the back gde
010:17club des belugas save a little love for me chinchin
011:25lyrics born I changed my mind mo wax
015:24hardwire dope jam kingsize
019:07dr packer comin off alpaca edits
021:14ltj money is tight super value
023:30giano & michael knight walking the dog mri
025:50dj food spiral ninja tune
027:43deluxe pony az
030:06insane bangers lsd nut
032:31crush sounds punjabi av8
034:15del tha funkee homosapien mr dobalina elektra
035:45sweat invaders beat match until I'm blue noton
038:40nightmares on wax what I'm feeling wax trax
040:29gramatik doin it lowtemp
044:29a skillz vs beatvandals money banger insane bangers
046:03chuggin edits keep on keeping on alpaca edits
048:50jonny adams feel the beat maestro entertainment
051:29riccio lil boy fly by night
055:00züm take ya time rinkydink
056:52disco tech get lifted editorial
058:28freaky jalopeno getting' it on finger lickin
065:03hexstatic all night schlong noton
068:34mo horizonsgonna be stereo deluxe
070:20jm jackmaster got to be funky discodat
073:31a skillz twanger banger insane bangers
076:20big boss man sea groove blow up
077:35get down edits want me to stay gde
079:40a skillz vs beatvandals beat don't stop nut
081:52krafty skillz music sounds fatter with u nut
083:46slow motion replay think better soulab
087:37up bustle out emerald alley ninja tune
089:47stickybuds been real ghetto funk
092:22featurecast whoah goodgroove
094:35the source you got the love react
101:53skeewiff skeewiff v big les jalapeno
103:21bassbin twins superstar loops bassbin
103:55bushy sqezy soul catskills
105:39k&d in dub white
109:08llorca I cry f comms
113:48uncle louie full tilt boogie noton
115:46extra curricular robbin hood outta sight

-- Total running time – 119.59 --

download from

Thursday, 2 August 2018

AbstractRadio session - august 2018

Welcome back and all that.

Here's the second stint of this year's AbRad back-to-back summer sessions, where we find those deligent AbRad elves slipping deeper into club mode, providing all you fine citizens with a heavier, more rinsed out affair, suitable for all your dancing needs.
Culled from a crate of recent ass-shakers, this session leads on directly from the previous [sesh. 26], and features stonkers from the likes of the Cube Guys, Mambo Bros and Funkatron, along with an instant classic from Beth Ditto and a generous helping of old-school club reworks.

You lucky beggars.

    -> Please repost on mixcloud - you know you want to.

Love and zero ambition,


The AbRad team

select mixes
by genre:
Click for all House mixes Click for all deep mixes Click for all funky mixes Click for all disco


Track Title
000:35david penndisk-jockeyurbana
003:22george acostake riconervous
008:32john tejadasweat on the wallsdefected
013:02kerri chandlerthe introcircus
017:27eddie thoneickadamusondos
022:32crazibizafeel the vibepornostar
026:29polymodno other17 steps
031:36the cube guyshypnotizecube
036:15mark funkraise the bar guesthouse
038:47samostop messingcruise
044:12moon rocketface your lovedoomusic
045:06mutinyholding onunderwater
050:30david harnesswe got itmoulton
052:04ben delaymove your bodymilk & sugar
057:28nic fanciullimoving onseamless
059:01cool 45moving onrazor-n-tape
061:13dj meslonely nightssalted
067:01milty evansthe formulaseventy four
071:40true spirit90sppmusic
077:35mambo brotherskasaisaved
085:04marc romboygalaxy in an atomkompakt
095:16daddy’s groovestreet lifecartel
099:55mathias kadennokickpets
108:42beth dittofirevirgin

-- Total running time – 114.05 --

download from

Tuesday, 31 July 2018

AbstractRadio session - july 2018


This, the first of a couple of back-to-back summer sessions for the year, brings you a not-too-heavy-on-the-ear, voice-drenched round-up of some recent goodies to warm y'selves up with. The results? A veritable panoply of top tunage with gems from, amongst others: Doug Willis, David Penn, Sophie Lloyd and Roland Clark, plus a fair few reworkings of some belting club classics from yesteryear.

Finally succumbed to the irresistible charms of AbstractRadio?
    Then ... -> Please repost this mix on mixcloud!

Love and tardigrades,


The AbRad team

ps - don't forget to check out the 2nd half of this melodious malarkey - coming very soon!

select mixes
by genre:
Click for all House mixes Click for all deep mixes Click for all funky mixes Click for all disco


Track Title
00:00featurecastfunky introduction bombstrikes
00:28freiboitarthere must be somethingno brainer
04:03arcoholding onsalted
08:55brooklyn classictoo strongfunkskool
12:29careri & macchiavellikeep goingpurple
16:31yassbeen a long timeurbana
20:33delano smitha message for the djstill
26:02mambo brotherssundogstoolroom
32:16crackazatcoffee timeeureka
33:56aroop roytalkin bout lifehouse of disco
39:14mike newmanmy sistabagira ice
44:00dan-e-mctake me highsoundmen on wax
48:54david pennlosing youurbana
53:03doug willisrisky biznizzzedd
58:38bob & dimitrilove is the answeryellow
63:10used discothis is our houseplay and tonic
68:59the cube guysah feel like ahcidcube
73:37roland clarkthis aint freedomclub sweat
79:39sophie lloydcalling out your nameclassic
85:33block and crownwe are togetherpornostar
92:36marco giannonelonelyocean trax
95:25david penndisk-jockeyurbana

-- Total running time – 99.59 --

download from

Monday, 28 May 2018

AbstractRadio session - tribal riddims 2018

And now...

More large-scale cultural misappropriation from the world's number one abstract radio station

Adhering to a vaguely afrocentric tip, the AbRad elves have delved deep into the world of tribal rhythms, serving up a pile of fresh stuff, plus a few oldies thrown in just for kicks.

So, close the curtains, turn the lights down, take your shoes off & turn up the sound.

As ever, we'd like to mention those who helped in the making of this rather splendid session, but at the moment we're having problems finding the door.

Love & djembes,


The Abrad Team

select mixes
by genre:
Click for all deep mixes Click for all House mixes Click for all funky mixes Click for all eclectic mixes


Track Title
000:00ajukajabenga benga 2porridge bullet
002:33distinct pointtzwiresa chantarawakan
008:04dee jay soundescravo para musica brasileirapoji
012:49kerry chandlerescravos de joibadan
019:13adam porte soundkeinemusik
024:18deeplomatiktribal dancesalted
027:06kaiserdiscoque ritmomomentum league
032:53salif keitamadanuniversal
037:40mat joejungle fevermother
041:46rhythm staircasethe felinenite grooves
046:24kevin yostreturn to the deepi
050:25ayman awadafricanosgreat stuff
054:20groove phenomenonafrica tribework
059:09red axessun my sweet sunpermanent vacation
063:47karnakcalypso breakdowntwisted
068:22ajukajabenga benga 1porridge bullet
070:31atjazztrack 6atjazz
077:49dubtribeequitorealimperial dub
084:49cuarterola sambasoulman
089:54milk and sugarheat african dayenormous
093:51brothers in progresscollisionmonza ibiza
096:24djuma soundsystemmenage a moiget physical
101:47afro warriorsuyankentezatribe
109:52aki bergenalma de diosnoir
114:30dele sosimitoo much informationinnervisions
126:50chus & lissatvuela palomatoolroom
135:22david herrerocabaretdeeperfect
140:00mary kanteyeke yekebarclay
146:04leftfieldafro lefthard hands
154:02lost desertlingalaall day I dream
159:11oscar pfiltered african bluesseres
167:50malcolm mcclarensong for changocharisma

-- Total running time – 171:07 --

download from
AbstractRadio - for you listening pleasure....
Powered by sheer force of will.